Common Issues
Where can I find help if I don't know what's wrong?
Start with basic Photoshop troubleshooting tips to help resolve your issues and find additional resources.
Why doesn't Photoshop recognize my camera files?
You may need to update Adobe Camera Raw, the plug-in Photoshop uses to import raw image files. Check the Creative Cloud desktop app to see if an update is available. If that doesn't resolve the problem, get more troubleshooting tips to solve Photoshop camera issues.
How do I fix graphics card, redraw, or flashing image errors?
If you're experiencing image rendering issues, slow performance, or crashes, the cause could be a defective, unsupported, or incompatible graphics processor or graphics driver. Learn how to troubleshoot graphics processor or driver issues.
What are the known issues with Photoshop?
For a list of current known issues, workarounds and solutions, see Photoshop Known Issues.
Why is Photoshop running so slowly on my computer?
You might need to optimize your operating system, your hardware, or your Photoshop setup. Learn how to optimize Photoshop performance.
How to fix common crash issues in Photoshop
Check out Troubleshoot crash or freeze | Photoshop to find simple instructions that can help you fix common crash or freeze errors in Photoshop.