Common Tasks

How can I import photos?

To learn about how to import your photos into Lightroom for editing, organizing, and sharing, see Add photos.

How do I edit photos using the different controls?

You can access the Edit controls such as Light, Color, Effects, Detail, Optics, and Geometry in Detail view. To learn more about these controls, see Edit photos.

How can I organize photos in Lightroom?

To learn about how you can organize your photos in Lightroom, see Organize photos.

How can I save photos to a computer, hard drive, or Flash drive and share them online?

To learn how to save your photos to a computer, hard drive, or Flash drive and share them on Facebook, see Save or share your photos.

Can I migrate my Lightroom Classic photos to Lightroom?

Yes, you can migrate your Lightroom Classic photos to Lightroom. For more information, see Migrate photos from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom.